closure - definição. O que é closure. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é closure - definição

Clausure; Closure (disambiguation); Closure (general); Closures; Closure (album); Closure (Song); Closure (song)

The closing or completion of a circuit by depressing a key or moving a switch.
·vt A conclusion; an End.
II. Closure ·vt The act of shutting; a closing; as, the closure of a chink.
III. Closure ·vt That which incloses or confines; an Inclosure.
IV. Closure ·vt That which closes or shuts; that by which separate parts are fastened or closed.
V. Closure ·vt A method of putting an end to debate and securing an immediate vote upon a measure before a legislative body. It is similar in effect to the previous question. It was first introduced into the British House of Commons in 1882. The French word cloture was originally applied to this proceeding.
¦ noun
1. an act or process of closing.
2. a device that closes or seals something.
3. (in a legislative assembly) a procedure for ending a debate and taking a vote.
4. a feeling that an emotional or traumatic experience has been resolved.
¦ verb apply the closure to (a debate or speaker) in a legislative assembly.
ME: from OFr., from late L. clausura, from claus-, claudere 'to close'.



Closure may refer to:

Exemplos de pronúncia para closure
1. They deserve closure.
Missing Man - The American Spy Who Vanished in Iran _ Barry Meier _ Talks at Google
2. of closure and meaning.
Derren Brown _ Happy _ Talks at Google
3. have not had closure.
4. We call it closure.
The Physiology of Opera Singers _ Sheri Greenawald _ Talks at Google
5. You'll never reach closure.
We Need to Talk - How To Have Conversations That Matter _ Celeste Headlee _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para closure
1. "People talk about closure but we don‘t relate to closure.
2. Both yearn for what psychology calls ‘closure‘, and you can not have a closure less ambiguous than death.
3. The nine–member Base Closure and Realignment Commission is voting this week on each site on the Pentagon closure list.
4. Participation in Conference NIGERIA –– Closure of U.S.
5. The demonstrators demanded its immediate closure.